Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the frequently asked questions and concerns of our customers. If you have a question that is unanswered here then please contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP.
Click on a question to display the answer, or you can display all at once.
- Is your affiliate software compatible with XXXXXXX Shopping cart/Card processor?
Almost definitely yes. In fact we are so confident that our software can integrate with any system that we offer a 100% refund if we cannot integrate.
- Can I have a MLM program XX levels deep?
By default AllAffiliatePro can create MLM programs up to 12 levels deep. This is usually enough for most programs, if you require more levels then please contact us and this can be arranged.
- I've heard that there is a problem with cookies being set, how do you combat this?
Some surfers have their browser configuration set in a way so that cookies cannot be used. We have noticed that our competition tend to ignore this, and only use cookie tracking. We have developed a system where the surfers IP address can be used to track affiliate commissions if the cookie cannot be set.
- Can my affiliates earn commissions if the visitor comes back XX days later?
Yes. We call this the 'commission period', with AllAffiliatePro you can set the commission period to anything you want from 1 day to years.
- Can I change the way the program looks?
Yes AllAffiliatePro is HTML template driven so changing the look and feel is as easy as editing a normal web page.
- Is AllAffiliatePro compatible with my server?
Yes. The Hosted Solution of AllAffiliatePro will work with any server as it is hosted by us. The software versions of AllAffiliatePro have optional scripting languages, one of which will be compatible with your server.
- Will I have a management area? And will my Affiliates?
- Can you install the software for me?
Yes, installation is optional.
- Can my affiliate links use my site's domain?
Yes. If you are worried about your domains link popularity you can have your affiliate links use your domain name, such as yourdomain.com/index.cgi?exec=affiliate. Even if you are using one of our hosted solutions.
- Can the affiliate link code be hidden?
Yes. AllAffiliatePro utilises JavaScript to hide your affiliate link code. So www.youraffiliates.com/cgi-bin/affilate/clickme.cgi?exec=affiliate looks like www.yoursite.com.